County Concierge Lifestyle Magazine

“Treehouse Life…a world away from everyday”

At Treehouse Life we believe that a tree house can, and should, be so much more than just a country cottage or a log cabin perched up in a tree. So in all of our designs we like to look beyond the traditional, the obvious or even the expected, and offer something that's a little bit different.

So what is it that makes us different…? Firstly there's our range of truly adventurous tree houses, luxurious resort inspired retreats and Tree Canopy Walkways - all of which reflect our strong design signature, our passion for make-believe and imagination, and the very best that outdoors living can offer.

Not only are all of our designs unique in the marketplace, they are also tailor-made to suit your individual requirements, wishes and budget. We pride ourselves on listening to everything that you, your company and even your children have to say and then bringing all of your ideas to life.

Our designs focus on achieving that perfect balance between functionality and fun. In other words, we make sure that the livable indoor space is perfectly balanced with plenty of imaginative outdoor play-space. After all, where's the fun in only having one way to climb up into your tree house, and then nothing to stimulate your mind when you're up there?

Using sometimes as many as 9 different deck levels with 6 elevations, and a range of play benefits such as climbing walls, scramble nets, rope bridges, log rope bridges, hammock bridges, fireman poles, big chunky 4-sided rope ladders, picnic baskets on a pulley for tree house suppers, slides and zip wires, all of our tree houses offer the challenges and freedom of 'circular' play in a 3D treetop adventure world - we even offer magical solar lighting for those summer evening sleep-overs!

At Treehouse Life it is also important to us that our designs complement and enhance the 'architecture' of the open space, working alongside and not encroaching on what nature has already provided.

As we don't need to use the trees for our designs, we are free to follow a tree, or group of trees and their branches to achieve the maximum effect. Our hexagonal tree houses for instance, have a unique system of spiraling decks that swirl and hug the tree house itself, creating a perfect partnership with the tree house, sun, branches and trees.

All of the materials that we use are designed to complement the surroundings, and blend in seamlessly with the natural surroundings of your garden space. Our use of African thatch for example, made from sustainably sourced and managed African grass, offers a 100% waterproof, well insulated and maintenance free roofing solution, as well as lending a real air of authenticity and natural beauty to our tree houses, with other alternatives such as grass-roofs or Scandinavian sliver-birch shingles, we a an imaginative company with great ideas...a world away from everyday.

Treehouse Life Ltd.